
Russia already has the first floating nuclear power plant. In a country with cities in some of the most inhospitable regions on the planet, this type of small installations would offer a more flexible alternative to the construction of other types of electricity production plants. The ship, named Akademik Lomonosov, in honor of the 18th century...

The year 2023 witnessed a continuation of the transformations and geopolitical evolution in the African region of the Sahel, which already began a few years ago. Following coups in Mali and Burkina Faso, Mohamed Bazoum, president of Niger, elected in 2021, was overthrown by a coup on July 26. This series of regime changes has forced France, now...

In its 54th edition, the World Economic Forum, which brings together more than 60 heads of State and Government and almost 1,000 companies from around the world, faces a panorama that seems even more complicated than a year ago. Geopolitical tensions, wars, environmental crises, technological trends and the risks of misinformation will be the main...